During my 15 hour flight back from HK
While in my half asleep / half awake trance, I heard some bustling up front and saw flight attendants handing out hot towels. My hands were thoroughly clean and I didn't want to be disturbed, so I closed my eyes and went back to sleep. Moments later, I felt a hovering presence around me - someone was intruding in my space. I struggled to prop my eyes open and when I did, the flight attendant was standing there staring at me. Being pretty dazed and confused at this point, I just muttered "no thanks" and shut my eyes again. But he refused to go away, he kept standing there gawking at me.
I opened my eyes and blinked a couple times to see what was going on, and the only thing I managed to get out of my mouth was a "huh?" Then I heard the poetry reading:

While in my half asleep / half awake trance, I heard some bustling up front and saw flight attendants handing out hot towels. My hands were thoroughly clean and I didn't want to be disturbed, so I closed my eyes and went back to sleep. Moments later, I felt a hovering presence around me - someone was intruding in my space. I struggled to prop my eyes open and when I did, the flight attendant was standing there staring at me. Being pretty dazed and confused at this point, I just muttered "no thanks" and shut my eyes again. But he refused to go away, he kept standing there gawking at me.
I opened my eyes and blinked a couple times to see what was going on, and the only thing I managed to get out of my mouth was a "huh?" Then I heard the poetry reading:

haikus are easyApparently the flight attendant specialized at reading people's shirts. He chuckled to himself a couple times then looked that the woman sitting across the aisle from me and repeated the haiku again - this time adding "get it? re-fri-ger-a-tor" at the end. The woman wasn't amused. She had no idea what a haiku was, and probably didn't even understand English all too well. I wasn't very amused myself, so I closed my eyes again and drifted back to sleep.
but sometimes they don't make sense