This got me thinking ... if someone randomly attacked me on the street, which one of my friends would get my back? Which ones will act like a wimp and run away?
I'm going to keep girls out of the discussion because other than a few notable exceptions (like p & ricefire) , I can't imagine any of them getting in a fist fight. Clawing and scratching maybe ... but not a fist fight.
I was originally going to type out a list of names and what I think they would do in that situation - but something tells me that would be a bad idea. (If you really want to know what I think, we can discuss it in private). So you people out there reading this , you better get my back if I ever get into a fight. Be a MAN, do the right thing!
But if you were to attack the mugger I'm pretty sure that my animal instincts would kick in and I would fly into a berzerker rage that would only end after you, the mugger and any passers-by were completely subdued.
ok. we'll get your back if we happen to be in the same country.