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Showing posts from May, 2008

i love doctors ...

Since I am a full time student again, I no longer have spiffy health benefits with vision and dental plans. This means that every time I go for a checkup, I have to pay out of pocket and then starve myself for a week to make up for the difference. This is probably why I am extra irritable when I go to the doctor and am met by incompetence. If I'm being charged an arm and a leg for an eye examination, it should at least be professional ... hmph . Strike #1 The receptionist asked me to fill out some forms. When I returned to the counter, she asked, "Where is Prudence?" She said as if she was monologuing - you could have substituted any moral descriptors in the sentence and think you were at a Shakespearean play. "oh where is courage? where is faith? where is love?" Amazingly, I knew exactly what she was talking about. She was referring to a patient who came in before me named Prudence (not the best name I know), who coincidentally has the same last name as me. ...

Rain vs. Colbert

This is one of the most hilarious clips I've seen in awhile. Stephen Colbert from the Colbert Report and Korean Pop star Rain have a longstanding rivalry ever since last year. The two have have fought over the top spot in Time Magazine's "Top 50 Most Influential People" and have been trash talking each other back and forth. If you have a few minutes to spare, you should go here and catch up on the news. If you don't have the time, just watch the video. It'll be worth your time.

Quote of the Day

"To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket--safe, dark, motionless, airless--it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. The alternative to tragedy, or at least to the risk of tragedy, is damnation. The only place outside of Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from the perturbations of love is Hell." C.S. Lewis - The Four Loves

Strange Jesus Merchandise

Deluxe Jesus Action Figure Miracle Eyes Jesus Sculpture Stuff like this really freaks me out. I can't imagine what you can do with a Jesus action figure. Do you let your kids play with the Son of God alongside G.I. Joe and Barbie? Would action figure Jesus give his five loaves and two fish to feed little ponies? And what's up with the glow-in-the-dark hands?

Strange Dreams

I fell asleep last night with the impression that I can never be a good criminal. I had just wasted many hours of my life playing Grand Theft Auto 4 and kept failing on this one very difficult mission. For those of you who don't know what GTA4 is, it's a game where you play as bad guy who goes around killing other crooks and drug dealers. It's a pretty morally messed up game, some people even call it a murder simulator . I only play it so I can prove to tell myself that I can never be a crook. Onto my strange dream ... I was outside playing basketball with my friends when a young kid walked over to where we left our stuff and started rummaging through it. Ironically, our "stuff" consisted of a pile of machine guns and Uzi's ... since that's how we roll here in the hood. There were probably some drugs in there too but I couldn't tell from a distance. Then all of a sudden one of my friends screamed, "everyone GET DOWN!" The little girl ...

Hitchhiker's Guide to Preschool

A strange thing happened to me a few weeks ago. I was driving to dinner and was stopped at a traffic light when a lady started walking toward my car. As soon as I noticed this, I secretly wished that the light would immediately turn green. After all, isn't it a sin to be late for dinner? When I realized that the light wasn't changing any time soon, I reluctantly rolled down my window while wishing that she would just leave me alone. - are you busy right now? - well I'm driving to dinner, what do you need? - can you drive me to pick up my son at preschool? It sounded harmless enough ... driving a mom to pick up her son at school. Then again, I have seen this scenario play out in horror movies and nothing good ever happens to the stupid driver who picks up hitchhikers. At that moment of conflict, the words of this song came to me. After a bit of processing, I knew that the decision boiled down to one simple question: is my fear of being taken advantage of and the incon...

A Sign of Things to Come

Surely We Can Change by David Crowder And the problem is this We were bought with a kiss But the cheek still turned Even when it wasn’t hit And I don’t know What to do with a love like that And I don’t know How to be a love like that When all the love in the world Is right here among us And hatred too And so we must choose What our hands will do Where there is pain Let there be grace Where there is suffering Bring serenity For those afraid Help them be brave Where there is misery Bring expectancy And surely we can change Surely we can change Something And the problem it seems Is with you and me Not the Love who came To repair everything Where there is pain Let us bring grace Where there is suffering Bring serenity For those afraid Let us be brave Where there is misery Let us bring them relief And surely we can change Surely we can change Oh surely we can change Something Oh, the world’s about to change The whole world’s about to change