Do you think by reading this blog you really know how I am doing or what's occupying my mind? Do you think I really broadcast my deepest thoughts on blogspot?
I mentioned in the last post that I had a little run-in with facebook, this is what happened ...
robin: you know what sucks?
me: what?
robin: theose new facebook features
me: haha why?
robin: cuz it says... ken is no longer single
robin: so now i must inquire
me: i thought i deleted that feed so other people wouldn't see it!
robin: yeah you're no longer single
robin: oh interstring
me: i just thought i'd like a little privacy so i took off the relationship status
me: but now it broadcasts to people that i'm no longer single?!?!
robin: so you limited to only single girls huh?
me: haha ... well, i would prefer not to get into a romantic relationship with any other demographic
robin: true. good job ken, that's smart searching
me: wait so you still see that feed?
robin: yeah apparently
me: still?
me: this facebook is like stalkerbook
robin: yeah i think facebook jumped the shark with this one
robin: so are you still single?
me: YES I AM
me: i don't know if i should be happy or sad about having to reaffirm that to people
robin: ok, i'll inform all of those whose hearts were broken from that facebook posting
me: do you have a mailing list?
robin: yes
robin: allsinglegirlsforken is the alias for the dl
me: yea because if you had to do it one by one, it would take you forever
me: hey, why don't you take the "single" status off your facebook too?
robin: cuz i wanted the privacy in the first place
me: then I can write to alltheHOTsingleGirlsLoveRobin mailing list
robin: oh, i like the hot qualifier
robin: i guess i should add the asian qualifier to yours
me: only the best to you
friend1: you are no longer single?
friend1: HAHHAHAHA
friend1: woah...ken!
friend1: wat's going on?
friend2: hahaha according to facebook "ken is no longer single"?!?
me: sigh
friend3: so you're no longer single
friend3: congrats on your status change though
friend3: this is big news
friend3: bye. and congrats
friend4: you're no longer single?
friend4: who is the lucky girl?
friend5: Ken is no longer single. 7:48pm
friend5: that's in my news feed
me: sigh
friend5: i love how in your photos, you have only one pic
friend5: that might start many rumors
me: i want my privacy
friend5: especially since you're not single
me: ...
me: but it's only of ME
me: and no one else
friend5: no
friend5: not when you go into "view more photos of ken"
friend5: it's the pic from chris
friend5: the heart in the sand
me: WHAT?
friend5: mhmm
me: are you serious?
friend5: yeah
friend5: just untag it
me: i didn't know it was tagged