It's been almost one week since the accident, and I still feel myself going through the typical stages of grieving for my dead Camry. Since it wasn't practical to spend a couple thousand dollars fixing an old car, we donated it to the Red Cross. It's such a consolation to know that it's still doing some good even after its death. (I came across a great page while trying to find a link to the stages of grief ... click here ... now read the the page replacing the word "pet" with "car." Haha I find it hilarious.)
Sometimes you just need to let go, so I went out and bought myself a new car! Honestly, I still feel pretty guilty as if I was over indulging, but since I spend 1.5 hours each day driving to and from work, I don't feel quite as bad. So here she is, my new 2006 Acura TSX.

The challenge now is to give my car a name. Some people, like my sister, find it weird that I would want to name my car, but isn't it the normal thing to do? People name their boats, their guitars, their pets, their kids, so why not name your car?
I was joking with my friend that I want to name her Delilah, but that would almost be too cruel, even though I like being reminded of that sad story. Here are some suggestions I've got so far:
1) Christine - Clark thinks that it would be very fitting
2) Tyrone - Glo suggests that my car should be a guy instead of a girl
3) Cheech - Rob E. says that it should sound like qi-che (car in chinese)
Send in your suggestions, if I like the name you suggest, I might give you a cookie.
Sometimes you just need to let go, so I went out and bought myself a new car! Honestly, I still feel pretty guilty as if I was over indulging, but since I spend 1.5 hours each day driving to and from work, I don't feel quite as bad. So here she is, my new 2006 Acura TSX.

The challenge now is to give my car a name. Some people, like my sister, find it weird that I would want to name my car, but isn't it the normal thing to do? People name their boats, their guitars, their pets, their kids, so why not name your car?
I was joking with my friend that I want to name her Delilah, but that would almost be too cruel, even though I like being reminded of that sad story. Here are some suggestions I've got so far:
1) Christine - Clark thinks that it would be very fitting
2) Tyrone - Glo suggests that my car should be a guy instead of a girl
3) Cheech - Rob E. says that it should sound like qi-che (car in chinese)
Send in your suggestions, if I like the name you suggest, I might give you a cookie.
cheech is cute.
Name? I can't think of one, but pick something androgenous.
maybe that guys love their stuff?
all the girls I know who name their cars name them guys. What does that say about girls and their stuff?
I would say to be careful with Christine, though, because of the Steven King association... killer car and all that.